Refereed Journals
Original Articles
- The use of Anti-D immunoglobulins for rhesus prophylaxis: audit on knowledge and practices among obstetricians.
Wee WW, Kanagalingam D. Singapore Medical Journal 2009. 50(11): 1054-1057. - Fetal sacrococcygeal teratoma: extremes in clinical presentation.
Wee WW, Tagore S, Tan JVK, Yeo GSH.
Singapore Medical Journal 2011. 52(6): e118-e123. - Diagnosis and treatment of vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia (VaIN).
Wee WW, Chia YN, Yam KL.
International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 2012. 117: 15-17. - Incidence of hydronephrosis in severe uterovaginal or vault prolapse.
Wee WW, Wong HF, Lee LC, Han HC.
Singapore Medical Journal 2013. 54(3): 160-162. - Vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN): our experience on diagnosis and treatment.
Wee WW, Chin PS, Chia YN, Yam KL.
Singapore Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2013. 44(1): 24-28. - Heterotopic pregnancy in a natural conception cycle presenting with acute abdomen: A case report and literature review.
Siraj SHM, Wee-Stekly WW, Chern BSM.
Gynaecology and Minimally Invasive Therapy (GMIT) 2014. 3: 100-102. - Retroperitoneal tumors in the pelvis: a diagnostic challenge in gynecology.
WW Wee-Stekly and Michael D Mueller.
Frontiers Surgery 2014. 1:49 | doi: 10.3389/fsurg.2014.00049. - Endometriosis: a review on the diagnosis and management.
Wee-Stekly WW, Kew CCY, Chern BSM.
Gynaecology and Minimally Invasive (GMIT) 2015. 4: 106-109. - Laparoscopic excision of a solitary retroperitoneal neurofibroma in the pelvis.
WW Wee-Stekly, MD Mueller.
Gynecological Surgery 2016. 13: 49-50. - Uterine fibroid or ovarian fibroma: Importance of comprehensive pre-operative consent-taking
to include unexpected findings with management implications.
Kwek, Lee Koon; Wee-Stekly, Wei-Wei; Chern, Su Min Bernard.
BMJ Case Report 2018. bcr-2017-222608.
- Office hysteroscopy: A retrospective descriptive study of our experience over 5 years at a tertiary centre.
Lim WW, Wee-Stekly WW, Siraj SHM, Chern BSM.
Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics 2018. 2:26 - Serum CA19-9, CA-125 and CEA as tumour markers for mucinous ovarian tumours.
Arb-aroon Lertkhachonsuk, Wee-Stekly WW, Chuenkamon Charakorn.
Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research 2020. Vol 46, Issue 11: 2287-2291 - An unusual presentation of a missing IUCD: a case report and literature review.
Cassandra Cheung et al WW Wee-Stekly.
SJOG June 2020.
Review Articles
- Endometriosis: a review on the diagnosis and management.
Wee-Stekly WW, Kew CCY, Chern BSM.
Gynaecology and Minimally Invasive (GMIT) 2015. 4: 106-109.
Letters (e.g. to Editor), Editorials & Case Reports
- Fetal sacrococcygeal teratoma: extremes in clinical presentation.
Wee WW, Tagore S, Tan JVK, Yeo GSH.
Singapore Medical Journal 2011. 52(6): e118-e123. - Heterotopic pregnancy in a natural conception cycle presenting with acute abdomen: A case report and literature review.
Siraj SHM, Wee-Stekly WW, Chern BSM.
Gynaecology and Minimally Invasive Therapy (GMIT) 2014. 3: 100-102. - Uterine fibroid or ovarian fibroma: Importance of comprehensive pre-operative consent-taking to include unexpected findings with management implications.
Kwek, Lee Koon; Wee-Stekly, Wei-Wei; Chern, Su Min Bernard.
BMJ Case Report 2018. bcr-2017-222608.
Non-Refereed Publications
Review Articles
- Morning sickness and body changes during pregnancy: Doctor’s tips.
WW Wee
HealthXchange.com.sg- A SingHealth Initiative Website, 2013
https://www.healthxchange.com.sg/healthyliving/womenhealth/Pages/Morning-Sickness-and-Body-Changes-During-Pregnancy-Doctors-Tips.aspx - Stretchmark, acne and other skin changes during pregnancy.
WW Wee
HealthXchange.com.sg- A SingHealth Initiative Website, 2013
https://www.healthxchange.com.sg/healthyliving/womenhealth/Pages/Stretch-Marks-Acne-and-Other-Skin-Changes-During-Pregnancy.aspx - Management of endometriosis.
WW Wee-Stekly
Medical News, SingHealth Newsletter for Medical Practitioners, Jan-March 2015 - Clinical insights: managing endometriosis in primary care.
WW Wee-Stekly
MIMS Doctor Dec 2018. Page 44-45 - Do not ignore endometriosis (translated from Chinese).
WW Wee-Stekly
Liang He Zhi Bao Newspaper 5 March 2019. Page 1
Books & Chapters
- Practical Obstetrics and Gynecology Handbook (2nd edition)
Authors: A/Prof Tan TC, Dr. Tan KT, Dr. Tay EH.
Chief Editor: Dr. S.P Chonkar
Publisher: World Scientific
WW Wee-Stekly is the Contributor to Chapter 46 on Thickened Endometrium (Page 501- 509).
Refereed Journals
Original Articles Review Articles Letters (e.g. to Editor), Editorials & Case ReportsNon-Refereed Publications
Review Articles Books & ChaptersStart Your Journey and
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